Original credit and KUDOS to Hackermagnet at https://hackermagnet.com/night-vision-on-esp32-cam/ for the original STLs and working this out in the first place. He (hope I am using the correct pronoun) has some cool projects so be sure to check out the website. ESP projects are fascinating to me and can usually beContinue Reading

Airbrush Booth Complete

Setting the stage This Smart Airbrush Booth post stems from building my InMoov robot, Bob. When I decided to build Bob, I chose the color that I imagined I wanted him to be or as close as I could get to it. Throughout the printing process I experienced countless surfaceContinue Reading

A better garage door opener

One of the devices that I was particularly proud of was my voice and Home Assistant controlled garage door opener. I took a z-wave dry contact switch and wired it to a spare key-chain door remote and it worked amazingly well. I connected a z-wave door sensor and wrote someContinue Reading